From where can you purchase all the electronic equipment, the refrigerator, coffee machine, TV, kettle, Blue-Ray and DVD player, dishwasher, oven, etc. that you see in Tempo Hotels? All the goods have been purchased thru Fiyatı
Come on, let’s see what Fiyatı is:
Fiyatı is a platform where you can get price offers from hundreds of dealers, for a product that you wish to buy. After selecting the product that you wish to buy, you should determine the validity period and delivery date and just wait for the offers from the dealers. You evaluate these offers and buy the goods that you want after choosing the best offer. Fiyatı brings you together with many dealers on a single platform, creating a medium for bargaining.
You can also get information such as “What is the average price in the market for the product that you wish to buy?” or “What are the prices of similar products in other brands?” through Fiyatı You will not encounter a stock problem. All products that you buy are original, supplied from authorised dealers and come with a guarantee.